Ottawa Gas Prices, Traffic and Transportation Blog

Ottawa Gas Prices, Traffic and Transportation Blog. News, Articles, Analysis, Statistics, Observations, Forecasts, Opinions, Comments and Data on the Gas Prices, Traffic and Transportation in Ottawa (Ontario, Canada).

Monday, May 22, 2006

Ottawa Needs Gas Tax Cut

Ottawa needs to stop gouging drivers and cut the fuel tax.

In its eighth annual plea for Ottawa to reduce fuel taxes, the federal government needs to set aside 50 % of fuel taxes for roadway development while cutting the gas tax by 5 cents a litre.

Taxes accounted for about 35 % of the pump price over the past 12 months -- taxes that need to be reduced and targeted to roadway improvements.

Taxpayers would be more than happy to pay these taxes if they knew those taxes were going back into our highways.

That is not the case. Only 11 % of the federal money collected on gasoline actually goes back into roads.

We wants Ottawa to eliminate the 1.5-cent-per-litre deficit elimination tax and remove the GST charged on gas taxes.

We're very optimistic with this new government because they've been talking the talk, now they've got to walk the walk.

Stephen Harper had previously criticized the Liberal government for failing to reduce gas taxes.

However, since taking office, Harper has avoided cutting the tax saying Ottawa's one-per-cent reduction in the GST will have a similar effect to a fuel tax cut.


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